02 November 2008

The Alpha Course is Even Further Pissing Me Off

During our Alpha Course discussion groups, it bothers me that we start talking about one specific topic and it goes completely off the rails.

We typically start discussing a topic using bible quotes or arguing history or something more meaty of that nature. Then, one of the other group members will start talking about emotions and how their feelings guide their beliefs, and many other group members start jumping in and doing the same. Usually by about minute #2 of the derailment the other group members are talking about some other topic entirely. And they go on and on and on and before you know it, 10 minutes have passed and I've completely forgotten what the hell we were supposed to be discussing.

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At November 03, 2008 1:58 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sorry for the shouting, but I get distressed when I see someone banging his head into a brick wall.

At November 03, 2008 5:38 p.m., Blogger King Aardvark said...

But I must. I have blog posts to write ;-)

At November 03, 2008 6:40 p.m., Blogger Lifewish said...

Consider taking notes during the discussion? Then you can fill any suitable gap in the conversation with "OK, but as I was saying ten minutes ago..."

If people are rambling then this is excellent, for it gives you time to put an edge on your arguments.

At November 03, 2008 6:56 p.m., Blogger Lifewish said...

And, having read further, I realise how redundant that last comment was. Blame reverse-chronological post display, and keep up the good work!

At November 04, 2008 2:50 a.m., Blogger King Aardvark said...

Actually I should take notes during the discussions. Or at least try. The flow of fluff is prodigious and much of it is opaque to my feeble, rational brain.


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