08 January 2007

I'm Back

I'm back, alive and well (not ... see below) from Christmas "vacation," which was anything but.

My wife and I went back to our hometown to visit family, meaning, in our case, hopping back and forth between three different houses, and for some bizarre reason, Ottawa, never staying at the same location more than two days in a row. Also, my wife's older brother and his family caused a bunch of us to get horribly sick with a bad cold, while one nephew, who chooses to cough directly at people, started with strep throat and developed pneumonia, then passed both on as well. The first night I was sick, we had to sleep on a crappy airmattress while sharing a freezing cold attic with five of my wife's extended family, three of whom snored continuously. I later passed on the illness to the rest of my family, and have myslef developed strep throat and bronchitis, and am now on antibiotics. My wife has also gotten quite ill, is also on anitbiotics, and has missed several days of work. It's been about eleven days and I'm still sick.

At least Canada won the World Junior Hockey Championships in Sweden. That's three undefeated tournaments in a row. Good stuff, that.

Anyway, that's a long way of saying that it's good to be back.

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